The company provides its customers with solutions and technologies for dealing with the most complex problems in High Performance Computing (HPC). The company has experts in several fields, capable of providing services and solutions which cover multiple areas such as cluster design, supercomputer administration, and user support.
Nowadays we are looking for a COMUTAICONAL ENGINEER. Job functions include teaming with HPC support staff to answer user questions and solve technical problems by telephone, email, and onsite.
Tasks include interactive issue troubleshooting, tracking and solving customer support tickets, documenting resolutions in a knowledge base, working with application and system owners or supporters to identify advanced solutions, installing and configuring applications, studying and improving applications performance and developing and presenting user training.
-Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
-Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
-Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
-Horari: de 9 a 17.00
-Retribució brut anual: 18-25k
Funciones Profesionales
Detalles de la oferta
- Idioma: Inglés (Alto)
- Experiencia: Sin Experiencia
- Formación Mínima: FP2/Grado Superior
- Nivel Profesional: Empleado
- Tipo contrato: Indefinido
- Jornada: Jornada completa
- Salario: 18.000€ – 24.000 € Bruto/año